Jan 5, 2024

Ginseng Feng Wang Jiang – Supplement Review

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Ginseng Feng Wang Jiang is a “Red Panax Ginseng” and “Royal Jelly” liquid supplement, contained within small bottles that you pierce and drink with the included straw.

You get 10 bottles per packet, and are directed to drink one bottle a day after gently shaking.

It claims to not contain salt, starch, yeast, soy, dairy, preservatives, artificial flavours or colors.

Firstly the taste is quite bitter, but not too bad. You get used to the taste, and it’s not necessarily bad, just a bitter taste that is common with anything ginseng ( I’ve had various Eastern Medicine concoctions and this is nowhere near the worst in terms of taste and made me gag), there isn’t much of an aftertaste however, and any remaining taste goes away with a drink of something. It tastes slightly alcoholic, probably because ethanol is used in the herbal extraction process. The taste actually changed from previous batches, and it used to be sweeter.

I do much prefer taking liquid supplements instead of tablet form, because I suffer from chronic acid reflux. So I quite like this type of supplement, it is slightly more expensive than some of the other ginseng tablet form you can buy, but in my opinion, it’s worth it. It works out to about 50p per day as a supplement.

For it’s actual function, it’s generally considered foremost, a energy and libido supplement. I score it quite well on both fronts, it’s not some magical big boost in energy, but I’ve definitely felt a small boost in energy from taking this supplement daily, and also a small boost in libido.

I definitely don’t think it will solve anyone’s energy or libido problems alone, but I think it’s a valuable addition to a supplement plan.

The combination of ginseng, ashwagandha and ginkgo biloba, is a potent group of supplements that work together well.

The other claims for this supplement are stamina, memory, focus, clarity and immunity. I don’t think it particular improves your stamina, and it could be that what is really happening that you “feel” more energy and therefore can push yourself a bit more, which is true to a minor sense.

Memory, focus and clarity are hard to measure, but essentially due to having more energy, those also improve a little bit.

Improving immunity is another hard to claim improvement, and I didn’t really notice improvement in that area. Ginseng is touted as something that has the ability to boost immunity against cancer, bacterial and viral infections, and autoimmune diseases. I take this supplement every day, and I still got covid-19, and my autoimmune issues remain, so it’s definitely not a miracle drug for me.

Furthermore there are some other claims that it improves Neurasthenia, Palpitation, Poor Appetite, Insomnia, Forgetfulness, and General Frailty. I also have no evidence of experiencing improvements in these areas.

The supplement is produced by a company called GinSen, which is based in London, there are many favourable reviews and it seems like a popular product with good safety standards. Most feedback seems genuine, and personally I recommend this product, as I’ve found nothing untoward with it, and have felt benefits with taking it. I think the price is fine, and it works out to about 55p per day, to take this supplement, which I believe is worth it.

I take it for 3 months and then stop for at least 3 months, since it’s possibly not good for you to constantly take ginseng supplements, and they lose their effectiveness too. I generally take this supplement in between autumn and winter, There is possible long term liver damage if you take too much, too often, and due to its hormone like effects, it can cause a variety of side-effects, such as headaches, and sleep disturbance.

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Supplement Reviews

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