Jan 16, 2024

Vitamin B1 – Nature’s Aid – Supplement Review

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Natures aid Vitamin B1 contains 100mg of Thiamine contains 90 tablets. It contains Thiamine as it’s Hydrochloride form, and can be used to supplement a vitamin B deficiency.

Nature’s Aid is a fairly well renowned supplement producer, and this supplement is produced in the UK.

It’s theorised by some professionals that a lot of people who are suffering from symptoms of an autoimmune condition, actually have a Vitamin B deficiency, therefore supplementing with Vitamin B for a month should improve their symptoms if this is true for them. This is a fairly cheap supplement and therefore it’s worthwhile to test yourself by trialling it. Especially as blood tests aren’t always very accurate at diagnosing a Vitamin B deficiency.

I personally didn’t notice any improvements with taking it, and therefore concluded that I didn’t have a vitamin B deficiency. However there are other forms of Vitamin B that are better absorbed, and therefore I haven’t fully closed the idea of suffering from such a deficiency, especially as it might be more complex than simply supplementing 100mg of Vitamin B. Some experts advise to supplements 400mg of fat soluble Vitamin B three times per day. This is a very high dose compared to some advice and therefore on the face of it, it seems more risky and expensive, nausea is one of the most common side effects with this supplement.


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1 year ago

read several articles on your site about supplments, theyre quite helpful thx.